Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All I Want for Christmas

My friends, Charlie and Martha, had a fabulous idea for Christmas presents for animal friendly folks this year. You can read the wonderful article he wrote about it at his blog: Professor B. Worm, where he also shares a bit about his newest rescue dog, Irish, who is currently hogging Charlie's bed, "lulling him awake" with his melodic snoring. Like many of Heartland's rescues, Irish was pulled from a kill-shelter a day before his time was up.

This blog is brand new and I've spoken little about the group I work with. So, let me tell you about Heartland Humane Society. I became involved with them a few years ago when we sponsored one of their animals for a few months. Later, I adopted a mother and son pair of cats who were hard to place. A few months later, I adopted Pixel; the cutest kitten in the world. Heartland has impressed me from the beginning and when I attended their foster-parent orientation and learned just how committed, dedicated and responsible they are, I knew they were the rescue I wanted to volunteer with. Their mission-statement sums it up:
Heartland Humane Society of Missouri is a 501(c)3 non-profit group of dedicated foster homes that gives abandoned, abused, and unwanted animals another chance for loving, permanent homes through our adoption program. We reduce pet overpopulation in our community through collaboration with veterinarians, animal welfare organizations, and supportive individuals and organizations by providing affordable spay/neuter procedures and humane education. Heartland Humane Society of Missouri is funded by adoption fees, donations, fundraising events, grants and tributes.
In 2007, Heartland found homes for 662 cats and dogs. That is a lot of veterinary care and supplies, not to mention the tireless hours our volunteers spend to assure Heartland's ability to care for the animals continues.

Heartland is currently in the running to win a $10,000. prize from Care2.com's "America's Favorite Animal Shelter" contest. That kind of prize will help a lot of animals with veterinary bills, food and supplies. So, what do I want for Christmas? Something simple, free and relatively easy: your vote for Heartland! Several hundred furry critters will thank you!


Charlie said...

Thank you, DT, for loving, caring, and working so hard.

Anonymous said...

You have a golden heart. I have only one cat - Mrs Murphy - and she's the sunshine of my life. We are living together since eight months (she was the cat of a sergeant from the US-army - he couldn't take her to Japan - and she should have to stay at the shelter and ... they don't have so much place, so ... you know what happen then...) and I can't remember how it was without her. I'm so happy you're back. I missed you and your blog so much!((hug))

DogTired said...

Charlie: Ditto to you!

Valerie: Thanks for checking out the new place, for taking the time to comment and for welcoming me back to the blogging world :)