Monday, April 20, 2009

Bosley Finds a Home ; Strange Houseguests

I miss the little guy terribly, but he found a GREAT home with people who fell in love with him at first sight. They were kind enough to call with an update the first night, and Bosley had come out of his shell and was having great fun running around the house with his new little boy. I love hearing an update the first night. Without it, I have a hard time sleeping wondering how my foster dog or cat is doing in his/her new environment while I get used to them not being here with me. Here's to a great life, Bosley!

I had some interesting house guests this week; a litter of fuzzy little newborns, but not the kind I am used to. While I am used to people bringing me critters, these were a first for me: a litter of possum babies! I'll be honest here and tell you that possums really creep me out. I have rehabbed rabbit babies, squirrels, turtles, birds and even raccoons, so I could have done this too, but the thought of them getting big? Ack! With several litters of kittens currently here, I had a good excuse not to take on the possums. Still, at their little size, they were sort of cute in a helpless sort of way. And I felt badly for them. Their mother had been hit by a car and they were saved when someone saw them crawling from her pouch. So, I inspected them, made a makeshift pouch out of an old knitted cap and placed them in a cat crate on a heated disk to keep them warm. And then we headed to The Wildlife Center of Missouri, where experienced and licensed wildlife rehabbers will care for them until they can be released.

With Bosley in a new home, I do have room for another foster dog. So, last night, Bella joined our pack here. She's an adorable little thing - a beagle mix. My best guess is that she is mixed with husky -- she inherited a darling curly tail. She'd been here a whole 12 hours, when I got a call from the volunteer who brought her to Heartland telling me she already has a meeting with potential adopters! So, it's quite possible Bella will be my quickest turn-around ever!

I'll keep you posted!

Postscript: Bella did find a new home tonight, with wonderful people who will spoil her rotten. I am happy for Bella, but a little disappointed her time with me was so incredibly short!

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