Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Not-So-Empty Nest

How can a house full of animals that keep me busy all day, every day, seem empty when two go home?

I don't have the answer to that question and after doing a head-count of my four-legged creatures here, I am starting to question my sanity. I should be THRILLED to have two less critters to care for, but am still adjusting to their absence.

Riley and Chooch found absolutely wonderful homes within days of one another. Poor Riley. This is his fourth placement. I almost didn't have the heart to go through with the adoption, not because of how much I would miss him, but because I worry how so many placements will effect him. He is in a fabulous home and his new mommy and I are in regular contact. I just pray this one sticks; I think it will.

Whereas Riley has been with me off and on since ten-weeks-old, Chooch has only been here a few weeks. Heartland was sponsoring Chooch for a rural vet's office, where he was recovering from a crushed pelvis and broken leg after being hit by a car. He wasn't supposed to be my foster, but after driving out to the country to pick him up and getting acquainted with him, I couldn't bear sending him to his next stop. So, here he stayed. Chooch was the perfect house guest and fast became my little buddy.

Because he has noticeable effects from his accident, I thought he might end up being a long-term foster. He walks a bit funny, although he is not in pain. But knowing his injuries could lead to arthritis in his golden years might, I thought, dissuade adopters. That wasn't the case. The nicest family came to meet him on Sunday and came back to take him home yesterday. I couldn't have asked for better for him!

So, this very full house feels a bit empty. That's okay though because I know two of my babies are finally exactly where they are supposed to be: Home.

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